She then proceeded to sock puppet it in mock dialogue to the student next to her.
Uh, to contribute something useful: good piece! I love the idea of aiming for any goal in a broader direction, landing even close to an idealized “perfect goal” is probably still OOMs better than trying for the perfect goal, failing, and going “eh, well, guess I’ll lay bricks for 40 years”.
I also like the section on intrinsic motivation—describing it as “all the things you find yourself doing if left to your own devices”. I do fear that, for many, this category contains things that can’t be used to support you, though, but then your diagram showing the dots outside the bounds of “video games” but pointing back to it I think nicely resolves that conundrum.
And when all else fails, apply random search.
Hell yes. Speaking from my own experience here, whatever you do, don’t get stuck. Random search if you have to, but if you’re unhappy, keep moving.
My opinion is that whatever value of epsilon you pick should be low enough such that it never happens once in your life. “I flipped a coin but it doesn’t actually exist” should never happen. Maybe it would happen if you lived for millions of years, but in a normal human lifespan, never once.