Hello, my name is Cam :]
My goals in life are:
To build a self sufficient farm I with renewable alternative energy and everything.
Acquire financial assets to support the building of my farm and other hobbies and activities I pursue. 3 .To further my fitness and health and maintain it.
Love and Romance.
That’s pretty much it, hahaha, I want to learn the ways of a Rationalist to make the best decisions and solutions for problems I might encounter in pursuing these goals! I have a immature or childlike air around me, people tend to say, which is why I am often looked down upon me and not taken seriously. I think it’s how I construct my sentences maybe? My English is only at decent quality. Maybe I just see things too simply and positively people see it as being naive? Well, Anyway, I look forward to having you as my one of my buddies! :D
I assumed she posted on her site the articles backed up by references she posted on her Facebook group but I can’t find them on her site and I can’t link you the facebook one (unless you make an account and like her page first), so I’m sorry for my assumption and poor writing that doesn’t do what she is all about justice.
She has a pretty straightforward and simple philosophy, it’s to alkalanize the body using only natural and organic means because cancer and tumors thrive on a acidic environment and it also reduces our body’s capability to absorb minerals and nutrients as well as impair a cell’s ability to repair itself. The body is naturally suppose to be in a slightly alkaline PH, around PH 7.3 to 7.4 and you don’t need to be part of her group to confirm that. Her philosophy states that the body is a wonderful natural machine capable of fending and fighting off most diseases and all that we need to do really is to not hinder it’s capability to working in optimum condition by eating the right things and avoding the bad. She does and offers a “juice cleanse”, it’s what she’s famous or infamous for (you replace your meals with juice) but I didn’t and don’t reccomend her for that. I only reccomended her because Juicing as a supplement can do wonders in aiding alkalinizing the body as well as take in minerals and nutrients in a easy couple of gulps. I like her group because she is active in it and always answers questions I have like “Why don’t carnivores in the wild get more cancer?” And “so cow’s milk is bad for us because it is not meant for us what about about drinking human milk?” and always provides me with factual answers.
I aplogize for being unclear but I do not see how I am generalizing, fruits and vegetables are good for you and dairy (cow’s) and refined sugar is bad. Might have just gotten a wee bit teensy too excited on my first post because this is a health and fitness topic and I am sort of a healh and fitness buff :p