I’ve put it on our list of possible future pages, and added some of the things from that doc to our Funders page. Thanks Chris!
Bryce Robertson
Top AI safety newsletters, books, podcasts, etc – new AISafety.com resource
14+ AI Safety Advisors You Can Speak to – New AISafety.com Resource
One challenge in AI safety field-building is that otherwise-useful resources – like lists of courses or funders or local groups – generally become outdated over time. We’ve tried to solve this by collecting a bunch of resources together at AISafety.com and dedicating considerable bandwidth to keeping them updated.
Until recently, this maintenance has been largely ad hoc, making additions and changes as we learned of them. To ensure nothing slips through the cracks, we’ve now added a schedule for doing thorough sweeps through the entire database for each resource. Below is our current plan:
Every 3 months: general sweep
Every 3 months: general sweep
(maybe) Every 6 months: request update from organisers
Every 3 months: general sweep
Every 6 months: request update from owners of active projects
[This is a filtered subset of 80k’s database and updates automatically]
Twice weekly: check for new events and programs
Every 2 weeks: add any dates previously unannounced and check for changes to application deadlines
Every 2 weeks: check for changes to “applications open/closed” status
Every 3 months: general sweep
Every 1 month: check no links are broken
Every 3 months: general sweep
Every 3 months: check no links are broken
Every 6 months: review entire guide
Every 3 months: general sweep
We’re also continuing to make immediate updates whenever we become aware of them. In other words, this is just the minimum you can expect for regular maintenance. If you spot a correction or want to add something new, please get in touch via the form on the relevant resource page. Our goal is to keep AISafety.com’s resources as accurate and up to date as possible.
Bryce Robertson’s Shortform
Hey Severin, I’m happy to say that the idea of a maintained database of AIS field-building ideas has now been implemented at AISafety.com/projects. I’m considering adding your ideas here to the database but since this post is quite old I’m wondering whether there’s any notable changes you would make to the list?
Hey Akash, I’m considering adding these to AISafety.com/projects but I’m conscious that this post is two years old – is there anything you would change since you first wrote it?
Hey Ryan, I’m considering adding these to AISafety.com/projects but I’m conscious that this post is nearly two years old – is there anything you would change since you first wrote it?
That’s great feedback, thanks! I’ve gone ahead and put it under the page title for each resource.