Hilarious. I just watched Lovecraft’s “From Beyond” again. It’s free on hulu. …A great reason to discuss orgies of sadists with pineal glands rupturing from their foreheads. Ach! I’ve already annoyed the floating blue radioactive nudist who wants us to clean up our image. Sorry doc!
I also noticed that someone here uses the avatar “Dagon” …another Lovecraftian free movie on hulu. What’s wrong with you people?! First, you downrank me into oblivion, and now I find a Lovecraftian obsession bubbling under the surface! LOL
What’s next? I know. A Dr. Manhattan and Cthulhu spoof from South Park: http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/360445/i-am-mysterion
I wouldn’t expect to see anyone post here who gets downvoted for commenting to the extent that they are disallowed the ability to make further posts. It’s very clear that this place is an echo-chamber populated with people who know very little outside of a little bit of math and programming. (Other than Eliezer himself.) However, like most intelligent people, I can benefit Eliezer’s speeches and writings without participating in his poorly-designed echo-chamber.
Look at the repulsive sycophant “steven0461” below, and you’ll see why I check this place once a year: “I meant Jake shouldn’t write the post; sorry for the confusion. I was just being a cunt, and discouraging participation, “piling on” someone who was so down-voted they were prohibited from addressing the straw man criticisms made of their argument.”
Yeah, because everyone benefits by shutting up criticism.
A bunch of nerds, too cool for school, you can’t teach them anything, but when the rubber meets the road, they don’t know what a tire iron is, and pull off to change the tire so they’re squatting in the fast lane. That’s “lesswrong.” Everyone here is assigned “Out of Control” as remedial reading about how to design cybernetic systems that display emergent intelligence.
Here’s a link for anyone who sees that the conformist view on lesswrong is about as legit as the conformist view anywhere: http://www.kk.org/outofcontrol/contents.php
But since it’s an echo chamber, how about a self-referential link instead? Maybe that’ll work: http://lesswrong.com/lw/m1/guardians_of_ayn_rand/
If you’re all so uninformed that you honestly think that the possible agony of being exposed to a person’s position (on the horrifying chance it might not be valuable) is worse than being denied a silenced critic’s position, then there is truly no hope for any kind of rationality emerging from this site.
Nerds niggling over nitnoids. Zaijian!