List of podcasts from the diaspora and rationalist movement. These are not recommendations.
The Nonlinear Library is a project that uses high-quality text-to-speech software to read out loud posts from LessWrong and the EA forum. You can read their announcement post here, or listen to it here. For posts read by a human, the LW Curated podcast is a recent project—created and recorded by Solenoid Entity, who spent the last five years editing the SSC podcast and the Metaculus Journal Podcast.
By people with Less Wrong profiles
Rationally Speaking Julia Galef (not currently updating)
Future Strategist James Miller
Second Enumerations Grognor
The untitled and not-properly-indexed occasional podcasts between Robin Hanson and Katja Grace
The Bayesian Conspiracy Eneasz Brodskiand Steven Zuber
The Mind Killer Eneasz Broski, Wesley Fenza, and David
Science, Ethics, and the Future Brian Tomasik
Conversations from the Pale Blue Dot Luke Muehlhauser
Tsuyoku Naritai! Alex Hedtke (not currently updating).
The 80,000 Hours Podcast Rob Wiblin
Affixby Brian and Chris (not currently updating)
Obviously rationalist-adjacent
Review the Future Ted Kupper and Jon Perry
I think it makes sense to include the podcasts that aren’t currently updating—for example, Rationally Speaking’s old episodes. Affix needs a new link or an archived version, as the episodes are not listed at the current link, and I’m too lazy to track down the episodes.
Plugging my more light-hearted rationality podcast, Recreational Overthinking. Been a LessWrong reader for a long time now and I think a lot of the community would find it entertaining.
Can I apply for a shameless plug of probably best in the rationalist-adjacent section