List of lists

TagLast edit: 31 May 2024 15:15 UTC by Emrik

This tag is a list of lists of lists, which means that a tagged item must be a list of lists. This can include posts and tags on LessWrong, or of external websites. It is intended to help you get a bird’s eye view over everything you can get a bird’s eye view over, which can be usefwl for filling out blindspots (unknown unknowns) in your map of the map—or to calibrate your distribution of value of information over the territory.

Inspired by Wikipedia’s List of Lists of Lists.



See Also

Aliases: lists, list of lists, list of repositories, list of resources, list of collections

Note: If you make a new tag with lists of something, consider linking back to this page.

Re­pos­i­tory repository

pinyaka28 Jul 2013 22:59 UTC
67 points
30 comments1 min readLW link