So to elaborate: we get significantly more interpretable features if we enforce sparsity than if we just do more standard clustering procedures. This is nontrivial! Of course this might be saying more about our notions of “interpretable feature” and how we parse semantics; but I can certainly imagine a world where PCA gives much better results, and would have in fact by default expected this to be true for the “most important” features even if I believed in superposition.
So I’m somewhat comfortable saying that the fact that imposing sparsity works so well is telling us something. I don’t expect this to give “truly atomic” features from the network’s PoV (any more than understanding Newtonian physics tells us about the standard model), but this seems like nontrivial progress to me.
So to elaborate: we get significantly more interpretable features if we enforce sparsity than if we just do more standard clustering procedures. This is nontrivial! Of course this might be saying more about our notions of “interpretable feature” and how we parse semantics; but I can certainly imagine a world where PCA gives much better results, and would have in fact by default expected this to be true for the “most important” features even if I believed in superposition.
So I’m somewhat comfortable saying that the fact that imposing sparsity works so well is telling us something. I don’t expect this to give “truly atomic” features from the network’s PoV (any more than understanding Newtonian physics tells us about the standard model), but this seems like nontrivial progress to me.
I do think this was reasonably though not totally predictable ex-ante, but I agree.