This post would be a meta analysis to your question; or your question is a meta analysis to this post; either way is fine. He argues that the context/domain of application is dependent on the abstractions/generalization. When the context changes, the abstraction also changes most of the time. This post’s focus is more on being aware of when the context changes and when the abstraction changes.
If you’re writing a novel (novel-writing is not a subfield of rationality) then you don’t need to keep in mind the principle “[i]f you don’t understand an idea’s limitations then you don’t understand that idea.”
On the other hand, if you are trying to figure out whether Capitalism is the best ideological framework to apply to a region (which is a question within the domain of rational analysis) then you absolutely must keep in mind the limits of the Capitalist framework.
What’s the limitations/boundaries to the domain of application to this post?
One sort-of counterexample would be The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences, where a lot of Math has been surprisingly accurate even when the assumptions where violated.
This post would be a meta analysis to your question; or your question is a meta analysis to this post; either way is fine. He argues that the context/domain of application is dependent on the abstractions/generalization. When the context changes, the abstraction also changes most of the time. This post’s focus is more on being aware of when the context changes and when the abstraction changes.
That’s a very abstract response, could you give a more concrete explanation?
I can give a concrete example.
If you’re writing a novel (novel-writing is not a subfield of rationality) then you don’t need to keep in mind the principle “[i]f you don’t understand an idea’s limitations then you don’t understand that idea.”
On the other hand, if you are trying to figure out whether Capitalism is the best ideological framework to apply to a region (which is a question within the domain of rational analysis) then you absolutely must keep in mind the limits of the Capitalist framework.