Can someone tell me if this post contains spoilers?
Planecrash might be the single work of fiction for which I most want to avoid spoilers, of either the plot or the finer points of technical philosophy.
It doesn’t contain anything I would consider a spoiler.
If you’re extra scrupulous, the closest things are:
A description of a bunch of stuff that happens very early on to set up the plot
One revelation about the character development arc of a non-major character
A high-level overview of technical topics covered, and commentary on the general Yudkowskian position on them (with links to precise Planecrash parts covering them), but not spoiling any puzzles or anything that’s surprising if you’ve read a lot of other Yudkowsky
A bunch of long quotes about dath ilani governance structures (but these are not plot relevant to Planecrash at all)
A few verbatim quotes from characters, which I guess would technically let you infer the characters don’t die until they’ve said those words?
Everyone who’s telling you there aren’t spoilers in here is well-meaning, but wrong. But to justify why I’m saying that is also spoilery, so to some degree you have to take this on faith.
(Rot13′d for those curious about my justification: Bar bs gur znwbe cbvagf bs gur jubyr svp vf gung crbcyr pna, vs fhssvpvragyl zbgvingrq, vasre sne zber sebz n srj vfbyngrq ovgf bs vasbezngvba guna lbh jbhyq anviryl cerqvpg. Vs lbh ner gryyvat Ryv gung gurfr ner abg fcbvyref V cbyvgryl fhttrfg gung V cerqvpg Nfzbqvn naq Xbein naq Pnevffn jbhyq fnl lbh ner jebat.)
Can someone tell me if this post contains spoilers?
Planecrash might be the single work of fiction for which I most want to avoid spoilers, of either the plot or the finer points of technical philosophy.
It has spoilers thought they aren’t that big of spoilers I think.
A different way to ask the question: what, specifically, is the last part of the text that is spoiled by this review?
It doesn’t contain anything I would consider a spoiler.
If you’re extra scrupulous, the closest things are:
A description of a bunch of stuff that happens very early on to set up the plot
One revelation about the character development arc of a non-major character
A high-level overview of technical topics covered, and commentary on the general Yudkowskian position on them (with links to precise Planecrash parts covering them), but not spoiling any puzzles or anything that’s surprising if you’ve read a lot of other Yudkowsky
A bunch of long quotes about dath ilani governance structures (but these are not plot relevant to Planecrash at all)
A few verbatim quotes from characters, which I guess would technically let you infer the characters don’t die until they’ve said those words?
Everyone who’s telling you there aren’t spoilers in here is well-meaning, but wrong. But to justify why I’m saying that is also spoilery, so to some degree you have to take this on faith.
(Rot13′d for those curious about my justification: Bar bs gur znwbe cbvagf bs gur jubyr svp vf gung crbcyr pna, vs fhssvpvragyl zbgvingrq, vasre sne zber sebz n srj vfbyngrq ovgf bs vasbezngvba guna lbh jbhyq anviryl cerqvpg. Vs lbh ner gryyvat Ryv gung gurfr ner abg fcbvyref V cbyvgryl fhttrfg gung V cerqvpg Nfzbqvn naq Xbein naq Pnevffn jbhyq fnl lbh ner jebat.)