How do I alleviate feeling pleased at myself for having read the statement of the paradox—that people preferred 1A>1B but 2B>2A—and immediately going “WHAT?” and boggling at the screen and pulling confused faces for about thirty seconds, so flabbergasted I had to reread that this choice pattern was common?
(Personally I’m really strongly biased these days toward a bird in the hand and would have chosen 1A and 2A every time. I occasionally do bits of sysadmin for dodgy dot-coms that friends are working for. There are people who offer equity; I take an hourly fee. “No, no, that’s fine, I am but humble roadie.” This may not always be the best life strategy, but it seems to work for me at present.)
There are people who offer equity; I take an hourly fee.
Penalise expected value of equity because probability is lower than I have been led to believe—an incredibly useful heuristic.
How do I alleviate feeling pleased at myself
In 33/34ths of the worlds where you make choice A in 1, you are mercilessly teased and mocked by your inferiors, a lathis, thirty seconds in, for not picking B. Assuming counterfactual outcomes are revealed.
How do I alleviate feeling pleased at myself for having read the statement of the paradox—that people preferred 1A>1B but 2B>2A—and immediately going “WHAT?” and boggling at the screen and pulling confused faces for about thirty seconds, so flabbergasted I had to reread that this choice pattern was common?
(Personally I’m really strongly biased these days toward a bird in the hand and would have chosen 1A and 2A every time. I occasionally do bits of sysadmin for dodgy dot-coms that friends are working for. There are people who offer equity; I take an hourly fee. “No, no, that’s fine, I am but humble roadie.” This may not always be the best life strategy, but it seems to work for me at present.)
Penalise expected value of equity because probability is lower than I have been led to believe—an incredibly useful heuristic.
In 33/34ths of the worlds where you make choice A in 1, you are mercilessly teased and mocked by your inferiors, a la this, thirty seconds in, for not picking B. Assuming counterfactual outcomes are revealed.
I’ll just have to cry myself to sleep on a big bed made of $24,000!