There are people who offer equity; I take an hourly fee.
Penalise expected value of equity because probability is lower than I have been led to believe—an incredibly useful heuristic.
How do I alleviate feeling pleased at myself
In 33/34ths of the worlds where you make choice A in 1, you are mercilessly teased and mocked by your inferiors, a lathis, thirty seconds in, for not picking B. Assuming counterfactual outcomes are revealed.
Penalise expected value of equity because probability is lower than I have been led to believe—an incredibly useful heuristic.
In 33/34ths of the worlds where you make choice A in 1, you are mercilessly teased and mocked by your inferiors, a la this, thirty seconds in, for not picking B. Assuming counterfactual outcomes are revealed.
I’ll just have to cry myself to sleep on a big bed made of $24,000!