Additionally, it might also be a way to train the people who actually do perform circumcision in a way that prevents the procedure itself from spreading AIDS through knife reuse without proper sterilization.
Can you explain why you consider this to be a bad idea? Certain population in Africa just won’t use condoms.
Additionally, it might also be a way to train the people who actually do perform circumcision in a way that prevents the procedure itself from spreading AIDS through knife reuse without proper steralization.
Additionally, it might also be a way to train the people who actually do perform circumcision in a way that prevents the procedure itself from spreading AIDS through knife reuse without proper sterilization.
Can you explain why you consider this to be a bad idea? Certain population in Africa just won’t use condoms.
Additionally, it might also be a way to train the people who actually do perform circumcision in a way that prevents the procedure itself from spreading AIDS through knife reuse without proper steralization.