From my reading class sizes don’t matter much within a wide range (6-30). I would be interested in good studies that show something different.
Class sizes greatly affect teacher workload so smaller classes are very popular.
The main problem seems to be that they didn’t actually get rid of any (<1%) underperforming teachers.
Teacher quality is a big issue. Again from my reading the IQ of teachers makes a big difference but this is not mentioned in the report.
Kudos to the Gates foundation for publishing the outcomes, but across the board they seem to be monumentally ineffective.
They are funding circumcision (males only of course) in Africa on the basis of studies that suggest it is about as effective in reducing disease as using a condom every 4-5th time you have sex.
Insert snarky remark along the lines of what do you expect from the perpetrator of MS Windows—quality?
Additionally, it might also be a way to train the people who actually do perform circumcision in a way that prevents the procedure itself from spreading AIDS through knife reuse without proper sterilization.
Can you explain why you consider this to be a bad idea? Certain population in Africa just won’t use condoms.
Additionally, it might also be a way to train the people who actually do perform circumcision in a way that prevents the procedure itself from spreading AIDS through knife reuse without proper steralization.
From my reading class sizes don’t matter much within a wide range (6-30). I would be interested in good studies that show something different.
Class sizes greatly affect teacher workload so smaller classes are very popular.
The main problem seems to be that they didn’t actually get rid of any (<1%) underperforming teachers.
Teacher quality is a big issue. Again from my reading the IQ of teachers makes a big difference but this is not mentioned in the report.
Kudos to the Gates foundation for publishing the outcomes, but across the board they seem to be monumentally ineffective.
They are funding circumcision (males only of course) in Africa on the basis of studies that suggest it is about as effective in reducing disease as using a condom every 4-5th time you have sex.
Additionally, it might also be a way to train the people who actually do perform circumcision in a way that prevents the procedure itself from spreading AIDS through knife reuse without proper sterilization.
Can you explain why you consider this to be a bad idea? Certain population in Africa just won’t use condoms.
Additionally, it might also be a way to train the people who actually do perform circumcision in a way that prevents the procedure itself from spreading AIDS through knife reuse without proper steralization.
Study after study after study, saying that class size reduction is a great idea in every way.