Cancer scientist meets amateur (This American Life)
This American Life episode 450: “So Crazy It Just Might Work”. The whole episode is good, but act one (6:48-42:27) is relevant to LW, about a trained scientist teaming up with an amateur on a cancer cure.
It’s downloadable until 19 Nov 2011 or so, and streamable thereafter.
(Technical nit: It sounds to me like the reporter doesn’t know the difference between sound and electromagnetism.)
Edit: Here’s a quick rot13ed summary: Vg qbrfa’g tb jryy. Nagubal Ubyynaq frrf rkcrevzragny pbagebyf naq ercebqhpvovyvgl nf guvatf gung trg va uvf jnl. Ur frrzf gb unir gnxra [gur Penpxcbg Bssre](uggc://yrffjebat.pbz/yj/w8/gur_penpxcbg_bssre/).
You didn’t explain why this might be interesting to whom.
Fixed! I left it out initially because I didn’t want to spoil the narrative drama. (I rot13ed the brief one I just added.)
I was listening at 13:40 and thinking, “Gee, I don’t see where that comment’s coming from. They’ve kept it straight so far.” Then suddenly, “Ooooh”.
Now, they DID work with both sound and EM. Tuned radio waves could easily be what the doctor ordered, more so than ultrasound… but they’re very different things. It would, however, explain why the reporter got confused.
Ira Glass says:
Also, I fail typing. (“Electormagnetism”.)