Cancer scientist meets amateur (This American Life)

This American Life episode 450: “So Crazy It Just Might Work”. The whole episode is good, but act one (6:48-42:27) is relevant to LW, about a trained scientist teaming up with an amateur on a cancer cure.

It’s downloadable until 19 Nov 2011 or so, and streamable thereafter.

(Technical nit: It sounds to me like the reporter doesn’t know the difference between sound and electromagnetism.)

Edit: Here’s a quick rot13ed summary: Vg qbrfa’g tb jryy. Nagubal Ubyynaq frrf rkcrevzragny pbagebyf naq ercebqhpvovyvgl nf guvatf gung trg va uvf jnl. Ur frrzf gb unir gnxra [gur Penpxcbg Bssre](uggc://​yrffjebat.pbz/​yj/​w8/​gur_penpxcbg_bssre/​).