What is the opportunity cost of the mathematical mindset? For example, if going through all formal proves and verifying them would require 100 years of research by 100 best minds, the cost is 10.000 genius-years (not speaking about non-zero probability that any proof-system may still have errors, as was shown by Yampolskiy).
Now, from the scientific mindset point of view, it is clear that we just don’t have such long time, as other approaches to AI will create some forms of AGI before it.
If these geniuses would search for a quicker fix, they could win in AI race and stop it.
What is the opportunity cost of the mathematical mindset? For example, if going through all formal proves and verifying them would require 100 years of research by 100 best minds, the cost is 10.000 genius-years (not speaking about non-zero probability that any proof-system may still have errors, as was shown by Yampolskiy).
Now, from the scientific mindset point of view, it is clear that we just don’t have such long time, as other approaches to AI will create some forms of AGI before it.
If these geniuses would search for a quicker fix, they could win in AI race and stop it.