One should always use the best tools available, even if they are no good or don’t satisfy given standards of rigor. Declaring “I don’t know” is also such a tool, but is it the best one available? Ironically, the problem seems to be partially with “I don’t know” acting as a curiosity stopper, prompting one to stop thinking where a bit more thought could otherwise lead to better decisions.
Posts linked to from Logical rudeness wiki page seem relevant, including Katja Grace’s Estimation is the best we have.
One should always use the best tools available, even if they are no good or don’t satisfy given standards of rigor. Declaring “I don’t know” is also such a tool, but is it the best one available? Ironically, the problem seems to be partially with “I don’t know” acting as a curiosity stopper, prompting one to stop thinking where a bit more thought could otherwise lead to better decisions.