Do you know where in the Meditations this quote arises? I tried searching for “worth” in a couple online versions, but all I found was from the end of Book Seven here:
What object soever, our reasonable and sociable faculty doth meet with, that affords nothing either for the satisfaction of reason, or for the practice of charity, she worthily doth think unworthy of herself.
Do you know where in the Meditations this quote arises? I tried searching for “worth” in a couple online versions, but all I found was from the end of Book Seven here:
...which, in this version, reads:
It is in Book 8. I edited the original post to make this clear.
The George Long translation reads:
My Latin version (I don’t know who translated it) reads:
I’m not sure which version is the most accurate, since I can’t understand Koine Greek.