This came to mind: What you intuitively believe about a certain statement may as well be described as an “emotion” of “truthiness”, triggered by the focus of attention holding the model just like any other emotion that values situations. Emotion isn’t always right, estimate of plausibility isn’t always right, but these are basically the same thing. I somehow used to separate them, along the line of probability-utility distinction, but this is probably more confusing then helpful a distinction, with truthiness on its own and the concept of emotions containing everything but it.
This came to mind: What you intuitively believe about a certain statement may as well be described as an “emotion” of “truthiness”, triggered by the focus of attention holding the model just like any other emotion that values situations. Emotion isn’t always right, estimate of plausibility isn’t always right, but these are basically the same thing. I somehow used to separate them, along the line of probability-utility distinction, but this is probably more confusing then helpful a distinction, with truthiness on its own and the concept of emotions containing everything but it.