This is 0.01 seconds per move. It appears that less search time lowers the Elo difference for level 15 vs level 9. A 65% win rate corresponds to a ~100 Elo difference, while a 81% win rate corresponds to a 250-300 Elo difference.
Honestly not too sure what to make of the results. One possible variable is that in every case, the higher level player is White. Starting in a game with a random position may favor the first to move. Level 2 vs level 0 seems most applicable to the Chess-GPT setting.
Interesting results—definitely didn’t expect the bump at random 20 for the higher skill case.
But I think really useful to know that the performance decrease in Chess-GPT for initial random noise isn’t a generalized phenomenon. Appreciate the follow-up!!
I had the following results:
Stockfish level 2 vs Stockfish level 0, 0.01 seconds per move, 5k games:
0 random moves: win rate 81.2%
20 random moves: win rate 81.2%
40 random moves: 77.9%
95% confidence interval is about +- 1%
Stockfish level 15 vs level 9, 0.01 seconds per move, 5k games:
0 random moves: 65.5%
20 random moves: 72.8%
40 random moves: 67.5%
Once again, 95% confidence interval is about +- 1%
At 120 seconds per move, both of these level differences correspond to ~300 Elo:
This is 0.01 seconds per move. It appears that less search time lowers the Elo difference for level 15 vs level 9. A 65% win rate corresponds to a ~100 Elo difference, while a 81% win rate corresponds to a 250-300 Elo difference.
Honestly not too sure what to make of the results. One possible variable is that in every case, the higher level player is White. Starting in a game with a random position may favor the first to move. Level 2 vs level 0 seems most applicable to the Chess-GPT setting.
Interesting results—definitely didn’t expect the bump at random 20 for the higher skill case.
But I think really useful to know that the performance decrease in Chess-GPT for initial random noise isn’t a generalized phenomenon. Appreciate the follow-up!!