treating the grilling as an hostile act should “never, ever say that”
The internet typically contains more role ambiguity and outright hostility than a classroom setting. So I think we need different norms.
Ideally, I’d like to promote thought-patterns like:
“This conversation feels 40% hostile and 80% unproductive. That’s too much for me to continue, but I want to say my say to get my point across to any good-faith readers, or to my conversation partner in case I’m misinterpreting them. So I’m going to Stop Out Loud at the end of this comment.”
I agree with each of your points.
The internet typically contains more role ambiguity and outright hostility than a classroom setting. So I think we need different norms.
Ideally, I’d like to promote thought-patterns like:
“This conversation feels 40% hostile and 80% unproductive. That’s too much for me to continue, but I want to say my say to get my point across to any good-faith readers, or to my conversation partner in case I’m misinterpreting them. So I’m going to Stop Out Loud at the end of this comment.”