I deleted all my other comments regarding this topic. I just wanted to figure out if you’re preaching the imminent rise of sea levels and at the same time purchase ocean-front property. Your comment convinced me.
I guess it was obvious, but too interesting to ignore. Others will come up with this idea sooner or later and as AI going FOOM will become mainstream, people are going to act upon it.
Thank you for deleting the comments; I realize that it’s an interesting idea to play with, but it’s just not something you can talk about in a public forum. Nothing good will come of it.
As usual, my lack of self control and that I do not think things through got me to act like an idiot. I guess someone like me is a even bigger risk :-(
I’ve even got a written list of rules I should follow but sometimes fail to care: Think before talking to people or writing stuff in public; Be careful of what you say and write; Rather write and say less or nothing at all if you’re not sure it isn’t stupid to do so; Be humble; You think you don’t know much but you actually don’t know nearly as much as you think; Other people won’t perceive what you utter the way you intended it to be meant; Other people may take things really serious; You often fail to perceive that matters actually are serious, be careful…
A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. It can convince you that an argument this idiotic and this sloppy is actually profound. It can convince you to publicly make a raging jackass out of yourself, by rambling on and on, based on a stupid misunderstanding of a simplified, informal, intuitive description of something complex. — The Danger When You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know
I deleted all my other comments regarding this topic. I just wanted to figure out if you’re preaching the imminent rise of sea levels and at the same time purchase ocean-front property. Your comment convinced me.
I guess it was obvious, but too interesting to ignore. Others will come up with this idea sooner or later and as AI going FOOM will become mainstream, people are going to act upon it.
Thank you for deleting the comments; I realize that it’s an interesting idea to play with, but it’s just not something you can talk about in a public forum. Nothing good will come of it.
As usual, my lack of self control and that I do not think things through got me to act like an idiot. I guess someone like me is a even bigger risk :-(
I’ve even got a written list of rules I should follow but sometimes fail to care: Think before talking to people or writing stuff in public; Be careful of what you say and write; Rather write and say less or nothing at all if you’re not sure it isn’t stupid to do so; Be humble; You think you don’t know much but you actually don’t know nearly as much as you think; Other people won’t perceive what you utter the way you intended it to be meant; Other people may take things really serious; You often fail to perceive that matters actually are serious, be careful…