Cool post! I made a comment on basically the same topic in the comment section of the latest post in the Shard Theory sequence. I’m excited about the cognitive science angle you’re introducing (I’m not familiar with it). That said, it seems to me that there’s a lot more about trustworthiness for “being in the loop” than a general type of cognition. There are also “Elephant in the brain” issues, for instance. (See also this comment I made in this same comment section).
Also, I think it could be useful to study the conditions for prosocial phenotypes to emerge from cultural learning or upbringing or genetic priors. In AI development, we may have more control over training conditions than over specifics of the algorithm (at lest past a certain level of description).
Thanks Lukas! I just gave your linked comment a read and I broadly agree with what you’ve written both there and here, especially w.r.t. focusing on the necessary training/evolutionary conditions out of which we might expect to see generally intelligent prosocial agents (like most humans) emerge. This seems like a wonderful topic to explore further IMO. Any other sources you recommend for doing so?
Thanks! Not much has been done on the topic to my knowledge, so I can only recommend this very general post on the EA forum. I think it’s the type of cause area where people have to carve out their own research approach to get something started.
Cool post! I made a comment on basically the same topic in the comment section of the latest post in the Shard Theory sequence. I’m excited about the cognitive science angle you’re introducing (I’m not familiar with it). That said, it seems to me that there’s a lot more about trustworthiness for “being in the loop” than a general type of cognition. There are also “Elephant in the brain” issues, for instance. (See also this comment I made in this same comment section).
Also, I think it could be useful to study the conditions for prosocial phenotypes to emerge from cultural learning or upbringing or genetic priors. In AI development, we may have more control over training conditions than over specifics of the algorithm (at lest past a certain level of description).
Thanks Lukas! I just gave your linked comment a read and I broadly agree with what you’ve written both there and here, especially w.r.t. focusing on the necessary training/evolutionary conditions out of which we might expect to see generally intelligent prosocial agents (like most humans) emerge. This seems like a wonderful topic to explore further IMO. Any other sources you recommend for doing so?
Thanks! Not much has been done on the topic to my knowledge, so I can only recommend this very general post on the EA forum. I think it’s the type of cause area where people have to carve out their own research approach to get something started.