You don’t need to buy a special balance board or exercise ball for it. You can just use any board on a pivot of some sort...say a plywood board on a solid rubber ball (depends on your weight).
Balance will protect you well into old age and practicing it should strengthen your leg joints, abdominals, and lower back, as well as forcing you to be more aware of your body’s position, movement, breathing, etc.
For entertainment, you can listen to music or an audiobook.
As for sweating/comfort it is definitely on the less strenuous side of things and can be done indoors with air conditioning (though this may be an expense you don’t want to incur).
Board: Old skateboard (I’ve found these on the street, should be easy to find in a few yard sales), cutting board (if you’ve a side you don’t use for food preparation and are good about cleaning or use a towel to insulate), cut off part of a 2x4
Pivot: Rolling pin, small rocks (though not pebbles)
What about practicing balance?
You don’t need to buy a special balance board or exercise ball for it. You can just use any board on a pivot of some sort...say a plywood board on a solid rubber ball (depends on your weight).
Balance will protect you well into old age and practicing it should strengthen your leg joints, abdominals, and lower back, as well as forcing you to be more aware of your body’s position, movement, breathing, etc.
For entertainment, you can listen to music or an audiobook.
As for sweating/comfort it is definitely on the less strenuous side of things and can be done indoors with air conditioning (though this may be an expense you don’t want to incur).
Alternative balance activity:
Just stand on one foot and try twisting your torso from one side to the other or from from to back.
If this is too easy, carry a heavy object like a thick book. If this is unwieldy, try soup cans.
Vary your angular momentum by practicing torso twists with your arms out or your arms in or with varying weights.
Try the same while standing on the ball of your foot.
Try while reaching above your head, to the side, et cetera.
Interesting prospect. I don’t think I’ve got any boards or rubber balls lying around, but will keep an eye out for something to jury-rig.
Other options:
Board: Old skateboard (I’ve found these on the street, should be easy to find in a few yard sales), cutting board (if you’ve a side you don’t use for food preparation and are good about cleaning or use a towel to insulate), cut off part of a 2x4
Pivot: Rolling pin, small rocks (though not pebbles)