What is “suggestion-driven fiction”? Googling was unhelpful.
What it sounds like is fiction in which the author has no particular story in mind as (s)he begins the narration, but rather the author generates plot and characters in response to reader suggestions as each chapter is published.
If that is the kind of thing you are talking about, it sounds very intriguing. But I wonder how a beginner captures enough initial readers to generate the suggestions. Reciprocity? If someone wants to organize a circle of three or four novice writers producing serialized fiction on their blogs and providing suggestions to each other, I would like to join the group.
Yea, that’s basically it, or at least that falls squarely into the category together with some other things. The most common by far is a sort of communal roleplaying where the actions of the protagonist are determined by the community but you do everything else.
If you wait a week or so, the lesswrong forums will probably be a good place for you to start a tradition of them, in case you don’t want to learn the culture of some existing place. You could also run it on that biog you already have and rely on the comments functionality.
I follow a lot of these things, in a lot of places, and know a fair bit about how to make one successful, so if you’re ever in doubt or interest or inspiration is inexplicably dying feel free to ask me.
Oh, and please post a link here whenever you start so I can read it and suggest things.
You can also write stories set in a collaboratively-created world. I think this is commonly called ‘conworlding’, but I don’t know enough about it to know if I’m actually using the term correctly.
Here are twoexamples of the kind of thing I’m talking about. (If you sign up for the former, which has a rather high proportion of transhumanists playing, let them know that Adelene sent you—I get imaginary currency for recruiting.)
Not the kind of writing I was talking about, unfortunately. Fiction is another area where I would like to eventually put in some work but it’s not even close to a priority at the moment.
Write suggestion-driven fiction.
What is “suggestion-driven fiction”? Googling was unhelpful.
What it sounds like is fiction in which the author has no particular story in mind as (s)he begins the narration, but rather the author generates plot and characters in response to reader suggestions as each chapter is published.
If that is the kind of thing you are talking about, it sounds very intriguing. But I wonder how a beginner captures enough initial readers to generate the suggestions. Reciprocity? If someone wants to organize a circle of three or four novice writers producing serialized fiction on their blogs and providing suggestions to each other, I would like to join the group.
Yea, that’s basically it, or at least that falls squarely into the category together with some other things. The most common by far is a sort of communal roleplaying where the actions of the protagonist are determined by the community but you do everything else.
There are a lot of sites with communities that do these things, usually the games/roleplaying section of various forums or image boards. There are also sites that specialize in them, in which case it’s usually some specific type of them such as illustrated ( http://www.mspaforums.com/forumdisplay.php?85-Forum-Adventures ), branching+anonymous+collaborative ( http://www.epicsplosion.com/epicsploitation/adventures ), etc.
If you wait a week or so, the lesswrong forums will probably be a good place for you to start a tradition of them, in case you don’t want to learn the culture of some existing place. You could also run it on that biog you already have and rely on the comments functionality.
I follow a lot of these things, in a lot of places, and know a fair bit about how to make one successful, so if you’re ever in doubt or interest or inspiration is inexplicably dying feel free to ask me.
Oh, and please post a link here whenever you start so I can read it and suggest things.
You can also write stories set in a collaboratively-created world. I think this is commonly called ‘conworlding’, but I don’t know enough about it to know if I’m actually using the term correctly.
Here are two examples of the kind of thing I’m talking about. (If you sign up for the former, which has a rather high proportion of transhumanists playing, let them know that Adelene sent you—I get imaginary currency for recruiting.)
Not the kind of writing I was talking about, unfortunately. Fiction is another area where I would like to eventually put in some work but it’s not even close to a priority at the moment.