There is no global clarity, not even in math. There are islands of framing that make reasoning locally work. They benefit from being small and robust, cheap to master and not requiring correct nuance to follow. Mountains of wisdom can be built out of such building blocks, relying on each other but making sense on their own. Occasionally contradicting each other or not making sense in each other’s language.
This doesn’t help with many complicated questions afflicted by necessity of nuance, where clarity is currently infeasible. A productive activity is finding small and robust observations inspired by such questions, working towards a future wisdom that would be able to digest them entirely.
There is no global clarity, not even in math. There are islands of framing that make reasoning locally work. They benefit from being small and robust, cheap to master and not requiring correct nuance to follow. Mountains of wisdom can be built out of such building blocks, relying on each other but making sense on their own. Occasionally contradicting each other or not making sense in each other’s language.
This doesn’t help with many complicated questions afflicted by necessity of nuance, where clarity is currently infeasible. A productive activity is finding small and robust observations inspired by such questions, working towards a future wisdom that would be able to digest them entirely.