Haha, I also care less about everything else on everything (except self-direction).
I’m also interested to hear how people scored on the meaning of life
and causality. (as you see, my attributions on context are highest, which I suspect the same to be for most LWers). I’m a heavy reader on behavioral genetics research (and have Attention Deficit Disorder myself), so my ratings on ability and effort tend to be low.
results here
values survey Apparently I’m unusual. I care more about achievement than liberals or conservatives, but I care less about everything else!
I had the same issue with the Schwartz test. It seems not to correct for people who rate everything high (or low).
You need to take a screenshot. Your results only show if you are logged in.
my results
my values
Haha, I also care less about everything else on everything (except self-direction).
I’m also interested to hear how people scored on the meaning of life
and causality. (as you see, my attributions on context are highest, which I suspect the same to be for most LWers). I’m a heavy reader on behavioral genetics research (and have Attention Deficit Disorder myself), so my ratings on ability and effort tend to be low.
Moral foundations for sacredness: average amount of money
No amount of money
Me: Foundations