Consider a space of possible partial behaviors of the code (traces/lists/sequences of facts/details that could’ve been established/observed/decided by some point in code’s interpretation/running, but also infinite traces from all always, and responses to some/all possible and impossible observations). Quotiented by some equivalence. The actual behavior is some point in that space. The code itself could be reframed as an operator acting on this space, computing more details from the details that have been established so far, with the actual behavior being the least fixpoint of that operator, starting from the least informative point (partial behavior). Semantics of programming languages, especially in denotational tradition, can look somewhat like this. The space of partial behaviors is often called a domain (or matches some technical definition of a thing called a domain).
So the possible ontology of decision making with a fixed source code is reframing it as deciding which point of the domain it determines. That is, the only thing being decided by an agent in this ontology is the point of the domain, and everything else that happens as a result is a consequence of that, because predictors or implementations or static analyses depend on which point in the domain the code’s semantics determines.
Consider a space of possible partial behaviors of the code (traces/lists/sequences of facts/details that could’ve been established/observed/decided by some point in code’s interpretation/running, but also infinite traces from all always, and responses to some/all possible and impossible observations). Quotiented by some equivalence. The actual behavior is some point in that space. The code itself could be reframed as an operator acting on this space, computing more details from the details that have been established so far, with the actual behavior being the least fixpoint of that operator, starting from the least informative point (partial behavior). Semantics of programming languages, especially in denotational tradition, can look somewhat like this. The space of partial behaviors is often called a domain (or matches some technical definition of a thing called a domain).
So the possible ontology of decision making with a fixed source code is reframing it as deciding which point of the domain it determines. That is, the only thing being decided by an agent in this ontology is the point of the domain, and everything else that happens as a result is a consequence of that, because predictors or implementations or static analyses depend on which point in the domain the code’s semantics determines.