Sleep / wakefulness; hypnagogia seems transient and requires conscious effort to maintain. Outside stimuli and internal volition can wake people up; lack thereof can do the opposite.
Friendships; I tend to have few, close friendships. I don’t interact much with more distant friends because it’s less emotionally fulfilling, so they slowly fade towards being acquaintances. I distance myself from people I don’t connect with / feel safe around, and try to strengthen bonds with people I think are emotionally mature and interesting.
Focus; I tend to either be checked out or deeply zoned-in. There’s strong momentum here, especially for cognitively engaging tasks. Anything which I expect to impair my work will push me into “maintenance” mode, where I conserve energy and do less object-level work. This takes engagement with interesting stuff plus willed focus to recover from.
Sleep / wakefulness; hypnagogia seems transient and requires conscious effort to maintain. Outside stimuli and internal volition can wake people up; lack thereof can do the opposite.
Friendships; I tend to have few, close friendships. I don’t interact much with more distant friends because it’s less emotionally fulfilling, so they slowly fade towards being acquaintances. I distance myself from people I don’t connect with / feel safe around, and try to strengthen bonds with people I think are emotionally mature and interesting.
Focus; I tend to either be checked out or deeply zoned-in. There’s strong momentum here, especially for cognitively engaging tasks. Anything which I expect to impair my work will push me into “maintenance” mode, where I conserve energy and do less object-level work. This takes engagement with interesting stuff plus willed focus to recover from.