I think there might be a linguistic confusion behind this more than anything else and you probably agree with our friends more than you think. All of the reframings here I think can be countered by claiming that you’re buying fuzzies in the present by believing you’re affecting things in the spatial or temporal distance. It all comes down to definitions of this distance. Some people would argue only the present exists, how can you value something that doesn’t exist? I think this kind of confusion is related.
I think there might be a linguistic confusion behind this more than anything else and you probably agree with our friends more than you think. All of the reframings here I think can be countered by claiming that you’re buying fuzzies in the present by believing you’re affecting things in the spatial or temporal distance. It all comes down to definitions of this distance. Some people would argue only the present exists, how can you value something that doesn’t exist? I think this kind of confusion is related.