A fixed set of tags turns this into multiple-choice questions where all answers are inaccurate, and most answers are irrelevant. Write-in tags could be similar to voting on replies to a comment that evaluate it in some respect. Different people pay attention to different aspects, so the flexibility to vote on multiple aspects at once or differently from overall vote is unnecessary.
Different people pay attention to different aspects, so the flexibility to vote on multiple aspects at once or differently from overall vote is unnecessary.
There’s a limited sense in which this is true—the adjective voting on Slashdot wouldn’t benefit from allowing people to pick multiple adjectives, for example. But being able to express a mismatch between overall upvote/downvote and true/false or agree/disagree may be important; part of the goal is to nudge people’s votes away from being based on agreement, and towards being based on argument quality.
A fixed set of tags turns this into multiple-choice questions where all answers are inaccurate, and most answers are irrelevant. Write-in tags could be similar to voting on replies to a comment that evaluate it in some respect. Different people pay attention to different aspects, so the flexibility to vote on multiple aspects at once or differently from overall vote is unnecessary.
There’s a limited sense in which this is true—the adjective voting on Slashdot wouldn’t benefit from allowing people to pick multiple adjectives, for example. But being able to express a mismatch between overall upvote/downvote and true/false or agree/disagree may be important; part of the goal is to nudge people’s votes away from being based on agreement, and towards being based on argument quality.