If you’re drinking coffee for purely instrumental value, don’t buy it from coffee shops. Also don’t drink espresso, as it takes longer to make and/or is more expensive. The instrumentally ideal coffee is black, the cheapest stuff you can choke down, and preferably made by someone else (who you aren’t paying to do so).
That said, I drink coffee more for pleasure than productivity. I can’t say I really endorse it for such purposes—caffeine tolerance builds up too quickly for it to be sustainable, and the negative productivity while decreasing intake seems to more than outweigh the gains felt while increasing.
I suggest acquiring enough of a taste for coffee to not hate consuming it, possibly by drinking decaf, but don’t drink it regularly otherwise—reserve it for an occasional (weekly or less) shot of safe, legal stimulant when it will do the most good.
If you’re drinking coffee for purely instrumental value, don’t buy it from coffee shops. Also don’t drink espresso, as it takes longer to make and/or is more expensive. The instrumentally ideal coffee is black, the cheapest stuff you can choke down, and preferably made by someone else (who you aren’t paying to do so).
That said, I drink coffee more for pleasure than productivity. I can’t say I really endorse it for such purposes—caffeine tolerance builds up too quickly for it to be sustainable, and the negative productivity while decreasing intake seems to more than outweigh the gains felt while increasing.
I suggest acquiring enough of a taste for coffee to not hate consuming it, possibly by drinking decaf, but don’t drink it regularly otherwise—reserve it for an occasional (weekly or less) shot of safe, legal stimulant when it will do the most good.
Isn’t the instrumentally ideal coffee caffeine tablets?