Payout will be $400 to the map which plex thinks is highest quality, $75 to second place, $25 to third. The competition will end one month after the first acceptable map is submitted, as judged by plex.
You are advised to iterate, initially posting a low-effort sketch and getting feedback from others in your network, then plex.
You may create sub-prizes on Bountied Rationality for the best improvements to your map (if you borrow ideas from other group’s public bounties and win this prize you must cover the costs of their bounty payouts).
You may use DALL-E 2 or other image generation AIs to generate visual elements.
You may collaborate with others and split the prize, but agree internally on roles and financial division, and distribute it yourselves.
You can use logos as fair-use, under editorial/educational provision.
You can scale items based on approximate employee count (when findable), Alexa rank (when available), number of followers (when available) or wild guess (otherwise).
I asked about FLI’s map in this question and it received some traction. I might go ahead and try this, starting with FLI’s map and expanding off of it.
Has anyone here considered working on the following?:
I asked about FLI’s map in this question and it received some traction. I might go ahead and try this, starting with FLI’s map and expanding off of it.