I remember a while back there was a prize out there (funded by FTX I think, with Yudkowsky on the board) for people who did important things which couldn’t be shared publicly. Does anyone remember that, and is it still going on, or was it just another post-FTX casualty?
I remember a while back there was a prize out there (funded by FTX I think, with Yudkowsky on the board) for people who did important things which couldn’t be shared publicly. Does anyone remember that, and is it still going on, or was it just another post-FTX casualty?
https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/bvK44CdpG7mGpQHbw/the-usd100-000-truman-prize-rewarding-anonymous-ea-work possibly? (I’m unclear on whether it’s still ongoing, unfortunately).
This sounds like https://www.super-linear.org/trumanprize. It seems like it is run by Nonlinear and not FTX.