Is that Phil Goetz’s CEV vs. all humans’ CEV, or Phil Goetz’s current preferences or behaviour-function vs. the average of all humans’ current preferences or behaviour-functions? In the former scenario, I’d prefer the global CEV (if I were confident that it would work as stated), but in the latter, even without me remembering much about Phil and his views other than that he appears to be an intelligent educated Westerner who can be expected to be fairly reliably careful about potentially world-changing actions, I’d probably feel safer with him as world dictator than with a worldwide direct democracy automatically polling everyone in the world on what to do, considering the kinds of humans who currently make up a large majority of the population.
Is that Phil Goetz’s CEV vs. all humans’ CEV, or Phil Goetz’s current preferences or behaviour-function vs. the average of all humans’ current preferences or behaviour-functions?
“I am obliged to confess I should sooner live in a society governed by the first two thousand names in the Boston telephone directory than in a society governed by the two thousand faculty members of Harvard University. ”—William F. Buckley, Jr.
Is that Phil Goetz’s CEV vs. all humans’ CEV, or Phil Goetz’s current preferences or behaviour-function vs. the average of all humans’ current preferences or behaviour-functions? In the former scenario, I’d prefer the global CEV (if I were confident that it would work as stated), but in the latter, even without me remembering much about Phil and his views other than that he appears to be an intelligent educated Westerner who can be expected to be fairly reliably careful about potentially world-changing actions, I’d probably feel safer with him as world dictator than with a worldwide direct democracy automatically polling everyone in the world on what to do, considering the kinds of humans who currently make up a large majority of the population.
Voted up for distinguishing these things.
“I am obliged to confess I should sooner live in a society governed by the first two thousand names in the Boston telephone directory than in a society governed by the two thousand faculty members of Harvard University. ”—William F. Buckley, Jr.
Yes, I agree that William F. Buckley, Jr. probably disagrees with me.
Heh. I figured you’d heard the quote: I just thought of it when I read your comment.
I agree with Buckley, mainly because averaging would smooth out our evolved unconscious desire to take power for ourselves when we become leaders.
I can’t agree with that. I’ve got a personal bias against people with surnames starting ’A”!