“If not, I am not interested in what you think SIAI donors think.”
I never claimed to know what SIAI donors think I asked you to think about that. But I think the fact that SIAI has as little money as it does after all these years speaks volumes about SIAI.
“Given your other behavior, ”
Why because I ask questions that when answered honestly you don’t like? Or is it because I don’t blindly hang on every word you speak?
“I’m also not interested in any statements on your part that you might donate if only circumstances were X. Experience tells me better.”
I never claimed I would donate nor will I ever as long as I live. As for experience telling you better, you have none, and considering the lack of money SIAI has and your arrogance you probably never will so I will keep my own council on that part.
“If you are previously a donor to SIAI, I’ll be happy to answer you elsewhere.”
Why, because you don’t want to disrupt the LW image of Eliezer the genius? Or is it because you really are distracted as I suspect or have given up because you cannot solve the problem of FAI another good possibility? These questions are simple easy to answer and I see no real reason you can’t answer them here and now. If you find the answers embarrassing then change, if not then what have you got to loose?
If your next response is as feeble as the last ones have been don’t bother posting them for my sake. You claim you want to be a rationalist then try applying reason to your own actions and answer the questions asked honestly.
I apologize I rippled your pond.
“If not, I am not interested in what you think SIAI donors think.”
I never claimed to know what SIAI donors think I asked you to think about that. But I think the fact that SIAI has as little money as it does after all these years speaks volumes about SIAI.
“Given your other behavior, ”
Why because I ask questions that when answered honestly you don’t like? Or is it because I don’t blindly hang on every word you speak?
“I’m also not interested in any statements on your part that you might donate if only circumstances were X. Experience tells me better.”
I never claimed I would donate nor will I ever as long as I live. As for experience telling you better, you have none, and considering the lack of money SIAI has and your arrogance you probably never will so I will keep my own council on that part.
“If you are previously a donor to SIAI, I’ll be happy to answer you elsewhere.”
Why, because you don’t want to disrupt the LW image of Eliezer the genius? Or is it because you really are distracted as I suspect or have given up because you cannot solve the problem of FAI another good possibility? These questions are simple easy to answer and I see no real reason you can’t answer them here and now. If you find the answers embarrassing then change, if not then what have you got to loose?
If your next response is as feeble as the last ones have been don’t bother posting them for my sake. You claim you want to be a rationalist then try applying reason to your own actions and answer the questions asked honestly.
The questions are fine. I think it’s the repetitiveness, obvious hostility, and poor grammar and spelling that get on people’s nerves.
Not to mention barely responding to repeated presentations of the correct answer.
...and it being a top-level post instead of Open Thread comment. Probably would’ve been a lot more forgiving if it’d been an Open Thread comment.
You’re that sure that at this point in time you have all the information you’d ever need to make that decision?