There were no supervillains in that time period and Einstein is causally coupled with understanding past rewrites. Causally couple the pen as soon as possible
Build a fort and dedicate your life on actively watching over the pen
Take a sinkweight and pick a sea or lake spot to place it in a low traffic and high haystack place
Take a lot of envelopes and have postage stamps bough for them to make a kind of chain letter where each letter intructs the receiver to drop the next letter in mail. Choose the destinatinos so that there is a lot of spatial separation over them.
Go into a mine, drop the pen there and blow its entrance shut and hire a mining company to excavate it in exactly 50 years. (Isn’t that good for actual hiding but prevents access somewhat atleast)
Keep it on your person and be vigilant. You are used to watch foryour life and you have motivation not to get caught in evils jaws.
Just buy lots of pens. Physics ideas are not senstiive to the exact properties of pens used to write them. Just have a lot of spares that einsteins won’t be out of pens even if evil tries to artificially create shortages.
Write the papers in advance and substitute for them if the papers fail to be made and tutor einstein on his ideas if necceary. For some reason I know about the future so proabably that is not only thing I know about the future.
9 without remembering the content fo the papers use the fact that the ideas are possible or were possible in a previous timeline to tackle a challenge easier and reverse engineer equivalent contribution to nudge the state of knowledge forward approptiately.
Go kill the evil forces so that you know their meddling is stopped. It can’t be found if nobody is looking (gold stealth ina hitman game for not having anybody alive to wittness) thinkaboutit.jpg
Dissamble the pen and bury them in random spots in the ground. Maybe choose spots in unlived forests?
I know about a future event so I have some method of accessing the future. Use the time machine to store the pen in the future so it is nowhere to be found in the past.
For some reason the evil forces are not targeting to kill Einstein but his pen. Place the pen in the most public place to benefit from the same restriction that prevents evil from going after Einstein (standard reason would be soe sort of masquarade but who knows)
Place it in the safe of the most prestegious bank.
Pen is a pretty light object. Try to design a rocket that will store it in orbit to hide it in the vastness of space. People in modern times can get cameras into suborbital paths for cool photos. Good luck designing a retreival vechicle or you need to be careful to design the orbit so that it decays in microdrag in time. (Also solve that it isn’t destroyed in reentry)
Make some symbolic gesture or indulge time travel secrets with president so that national security level forces are used to protect the pen in presidents posession like a nuclear football.
You know you will sell the pen. Prove that novikov self-consistency applies to our world and have the wisdom to accept things you can not change. (requires specific state of the world)
Offer yourself to the evil forces as an alternative source of relativity theory so they can stop spying on einstein (requires guess on the motive to tamper with pen)
Scientific discoveries are often discovered independently in parrallel. It is not essential for exactly Einstein to come up with relativity. Focus on ensuring that enough scientists survive.
People can burn but truth never burns. Even if relativity is not discovered, it can be discovered later and is in fact available to be used. With my knowledge of the future I can bring alternatie cultural influences to offset any setback in science to make up in art to keep general progress level comparable.
Disassemble pen to avoid detection as the fated pen and store far away from each other to require wider intelligence operation to get sniff at them (if one parts gets tampered with is it a loss, am I actually making things harder for myself for giving more attack surface?)
Put in a shaystack in random farm. Introduce tradition of hiding pens in haystacks so it gets hidden ithe next haystack after the first one is cleaned up after half a year. Then just be better finder of pens with the preknowledge where the pen was initially hidden when you need to retrieve it.
Put it in a time capsule conveniently scheduled. Even if not physically untouchable retrieving it off-schedule would probably create unacceptable ruckus. Introduce timecapsule tradition is neccesary.
Flood and dominate the pen market with the exact design of the pen to have the environment too full of decoys. Yours is also probably not in anyway special so it can’t even be detected to be the target outside of its causal links to come.
Do a private time capsule. Arson or topple down the target house when it comes time to retrieve.
Give the safekeeping of the pen as a mission statement of a secret organization like the free masons if not freemasons themselfs.
Inflitrate evil forces to know how their search is going and break out the pen from their grasp is neccesary. (cultural and special compatibility might be required)
Make it a cultural thing to hide pens so that there are too many people hiding pens so that the searcher gets confused on who to follow or has to spread out their investigative time.
Let the evil forces find a decoy pen so they get satisfied. If the pen is in no way special they might have trouble verifying they have succeeded in their mission and relax early.
Negotiate the hostile force away from hostile action
Pray (again with these non-problem specific lames)
Upon failure go capture hostile forces means to attack histories and make their posession of the pen target of your attack. Flip tables and copy their strategies. (conditions on failure)
Surgigally insert it into yourself or an ally
After the evils have had their way with the pen, ask it back (hope for compatible goals)
Make einstein try to start out with different pen and let evil succesfully grab taht one. Then prompt to make the papers proper. (Assumption about how evil targets)
Stage a honey pot with a trivia contest which you know that time natives do not know the answer and use it to identify or get opposition forces into trouble.
Destroy the pen. If I can’t win they don’t get to win either. (requires guess on motive. Fails mission)
Sell the pen early so that einstein starts to come after it, or its paper trail. He is a pretty smart guy. Might need to family heirloom or testament it to them.
~60 minutes
Go tell Einstein of his marvelous future. now pen loss doesn’t cause loss on science progress.
Use detailed knowledge of history to detect what is going differntly to identify where the threat is coming (assumes background knowledge I would not in fact have) ie the reading steiner approach
Go grab the pen from a future museum and then deliver it back after use (assumes it is a signifcant cultural artefact without the heist plot)
Introduce yourself as “Mr Onestone” and have the enemy steal a unrelated pen from you. Disrupt their way of identifying the target person. (assumes how evil is targeting)
How do I know the pen will in fact be the one that will be used? If I lose the pen I might be able to obtain one like it and hope that maybe that new one is the actual pen. Maybe I am more certain about the pen handed over to einstein being the one than I am that the one handed to me is the one. (Fights the hypothetical a little)
Have a causally connected thing with me from the future with me, hope that I live in a “back to the future” kind of universe and monitor my item if it it fades whether I am succeeding or not (assumes state of world, assumes posessions not speciefied)
Use modern material science to make a cage impervious to time native cracking methods. Time native recruitment for evil is mostly useless and modern or postmodern technology will be easier to spot.
Write a memoir of the worldline you are from to make the current timelines maximally technologically spoiled to offset any chronal progress lost in the shenanigans.
Screw this timeline. If I don’t get wiped as long as I can live a prosperous life form the timeline I am from or in some future interesting magnled timeline I don’t have to care about any local ruin (ie stop playing for the continuum and become a narsistist ie the cartman solution). (Fails mission)
Use the method used to access the past to chronoclone army to overwhelm the opposition.
Ask why evil does what it does and maybe get convinced or convinve them not to do it (ie Taolo The Words for the Ur-quan)
~1h 30 min
38. plans to fail: Make the pen an object of national or international pride. Make everybody attack anybody that tries to mess with it.
45. answers a different prompt: Assume a “ink is dry” universe. Ask from your departure time details about how the events nearby the writing happen. (remembering to ask before departure is good but can use some kidof temporal letter system (depends on how the future can communicate with the past, past to future letters are easy))
46. Fails to have an active component how things are better: Ask a person to hand the your pen to somebody else and make the same request making it sail from person to person whit each person makinhg independent decisions on who to hand it to. Make a termiation condition that makes it more likely to be handed back to you or just wait for it to be given back and make ti recirculate if it is too early. (hard to track but evil can also just wait for it to be handed)
49. plans to fail: Use time travel method to directly move the pen to handoff event so that vulnerability laying around the timeline is minimized
51. is a partial repeat of 31. The remaining “get convinced” factor feels separate enough to stand on its own. Additionally it can be used for moral confusion and distraction (as in Ur-quan masters the move can be used to avoid a dangerous fight)
Give it to Einstein. He is a pretty smart guy
There were no supervillains in that time period and Einstein is causally coupled with understanding past rewrites. Causally couple the pen as soon as possible
Build a fort and dedicate your life on actively watching over the pen
Take a sinkweight and pick a sea or lake spot to place it in a low traffic and high haystack place
Take a lot of envelopes and have postage stamps bough for them to make a kind of chain letter where each letter intructs the receiver to drop the next letter in mail. Choose the destinatinos so that there is a lot of spatial separation over them.
Go into a mine, drop the pen there and blow its entrance shut and hire a mining company to excavate it in exactly 50 years. (Isn’t that good for actual hiding but prevents access somewhat atleast)
Keep it on your person and be vigilant. You are used to watch foryour life and you have motivation not to get caught in evils jaws.
Just buy lots of pens. Physics ideas are not senstiive to the exact properties of pens used to write them. Just have a lot of spares that einsteins won’t be out of pens even if evil tries to artificially create shortages.
Write the papers in advance and substitute for them if the papers fail to be made and tutor einstein on his ideas if necceary. For some reason I know about the future so proabably that is not only thing I know about the future.
9 without remembering the content fo the papers use the fact that the ideas are possible or were possible in a previous timeline to tackle a challenge easier and reverse engineer equivalent contribution to nudge the state of knowledge forward approptiately.
Go kill the evil forces so that you know their meddling is stopped. It can’t be found if nobody is looking (gold stealth ina hitman game for not having anybody alive to wittness) thinkaboutit.jpg
Dissamble the pen and bury them in random spots in the ground. Maybe choose spots in unlived forests?
I know about a future event so I have some method of accessing the future. Use the time machine to store the pen in the future so it is nowhere to be found in the past.
For some reason the evil forces are not targeting to kill Einstein but his pen. Place the pen in the most public place to benefit from the same restriction that prevents evil from going after Einstein (standard reason would be soe sort of masquarade but who knows)
Place it in the safe of the most prestegious bank.
Pen is a pretty light object. Try to design a rocket that will store it in orbit to hide it in the vastness of space. People in modern times can get cameras into suborbital paths for cool photos. Good luck designing a retreival vechicle or you need to be careful to design the orbit so that it decays in microdrag in time. (Also solve that it isn’t destroyed in reentry)
Make some symbolic gesture or indulge time travel secrets with president so that national security level forces are used to protect the pen in presidents posession like a nuclear football.
You know you will sell the pen. Prove that novikov self-consistency applies to our world and have the wisdom to accept things you can not change. (requires specific state of the world)
Offer yourself to the evil forces as an alternative source of relativity theory so they can stop spying on einstein (requires guess on the motive to tamper with pen)
Scientific discoveries are often discovered independently in parrallel. It is not essential for exactly Einstein to come up with relativity. Focus on ensuring that enough scientists survive.
People can burn but truth never burns. Even if relativity is not discovered, it can be discovered later and is in fact available to be used. With my knowledge of the future I can bring alternatie cultural influences to offset any setback in science to make up in art to keep general progress level comparable.
Disassemble pen to avoid detection as the fated pen and store far away from each other to require wider intelligence operation to get sniff at them (if one parts gets tampered with is it a loss, am I actually making things harder for myself for giving more attack surface?)
Put in a shaystack in random farm. Introduce tradition of hiding pens in haystacks so it gets hidden ithe next haystack after the first one is cleaned up after half a year. Then just be better finder of pens with the preknowledge where the pen was initially hidden when you need to retrieve it.
Put it in a time capsule conveniently scheduled. Even if not physically untouchable retrieving it off-schedule would probably create unacceptable ruckus. Introduce timecapsule tradition is neccesary.
Flood and dominate the pen market with the exact design of the pen to have the environment too full of decoys. Yours is also probably not in anyway special so it can’t even be detected to be the target outside of its causal links to come.
Do a private time capsule. Arson or topple down the target house when it comes time to retrieve.
Give the safekeeping of the pen as a mission statement of a secret organization like the free masons if not freemasons themselfs.
Inflitrate evil forces to know how their search is going and break out the pen from their grasp is neccesary. (cultural and special compatibility might be required)
Make it a cultural thing to hide pens so that there are too many people hiding pens so that the searcher gets confused on who to follow or has to spread out their investigative time.
Let the evil forces find a decoy pen so they get satisfied. If the pen is in no way special they might have trouble verifying they have succeeded in their mission and relax early.
Negotiate the hostile force away from hostile action
Pray (again with these non-problem specific lames)
Upon failure go capture hostile forces means to attack histories and make their posession of the pen target of your attack. Flip tables and copy their strategies. (conditions on failure)
Surgigally insert it into yourself or an ally
After the evils have had their way with the pen, ask it back (hope for compatible goals)
Make einstein try to start out with different pen and let evil succesfully grab taht one. Then prompt to make the papers proper. (Assumption about how evil targets)
Stage a honey pot with a trivia contest which you know that time natives do not know the answer and use it to identify or get opposition forces into trouble.
Destroy the pen. If I can’t win they don’t get to win either. (requires guess on motive. Fails mission)
Sell the pen early so that einstein starts to come after it, or its paper trail. He is a pretty smart guy. Might need to family heirloom or testament it to them.
~60 minutes
Go tell Einstein of his marvelous future. now pen loss doesn’t cause loss on science progress.
Use detailed knowledge of history to detect what is going differntly to identify where the threat is coming (assumes background knowledge I would not in fact have) ie the reading steiner approach
Go grab the pen from a future museum and then deliver it back after use (assumes it is a signifcant cultural artefact without the heist plot)
Introduce yourself as “Mr Onestone” and have the enemy steal a unrelated pen from you. Disrupt their way of identifying the target person. (assumes how evil is targeting)
How do I know the pen will in fact be the one that will be used? If I lose the pen I might be able to obtain one like it and hope that maybe that new one is the actual pen. Maybe I am more certain about the pen handed over to einstein being the one than I am that the one handed to me is the one. (Fights the hypothetical a little)
Have a causally connected thing with me from the future with me, hope that I live in a “back to the future” kind of universe and monitor my item if it it fades whether I am succeeding or not (assumes state of world, assumes posessions not speciefied)
Use modern material science to make a cage impervious to time native cracking methods. Time native recruitment for evil is mostly useless and modern or postmodern technology will be easier to spot.
Write a memoir of the worldline you are from to make the current timelines maximally technologically spoiled to offset any chronal progress lost in the shenanigans.
Screw this timeline. If I don’t get wiped as long as I can live a prosperous life form the timeline I am from or in some future interesting magnled timeline I don’t have to care about any local ruin (ie stop playing for the continuum and become a narsistist ie the cartman solution). (Fails mission)
Use the method used to access the past to chronoclone army to overwhelm the opposition.
Ask why evil does what it does and maybe get convinced or convinve them not to do it (ie Taolo The Words for the Ur-quan)
~1h 30 min
38. plans to fail: Make the pen an object of national or international pride. Make everybody attack anybody that tries to mess with it.
45. answers a different prompt: Assume a “ink is dry” universe. Ask from your departure time details about how the events nearby the writing happen. (remembering to ask before departure is good but can use some kidof temporal letter system (depends on how the future can communicate with the past, past to future letters are easy))
46. Fails to have an active component how things are better: Ask a person to hand the your pen to somebody else and make the same request making it sail from person to person whit each person makinhg independent decisions on who to hand it to. Make a termiation condition that makes it more likely to be handed back to you or just wait for it to be given back and make ti recirculate if it is too early. (hard to track but evil can also just wait for it to be handed)
49. plans to fail: Use time travel method to directly move the pen to handoff event so that vulnerability laying around the timeline is minimized
51. is a partial repeat of 31. The remaining “get convinced” factor feels separate enough to stand on its own. Additionally it can be used for moral confusion and distraction (as in Ur-quan masters the move can be used to avoid a dangerous fight)
~2 hours
Aw, man! I didn’t think of anything even adjacent to doing a value-handshake with the bad guys.