Have you seen Ted Cloak’s PDF about the cultural evolution of wheels? It’s a fascinating document. Before there was Dawkins, there was Cloak. His 1968 study (PDF) of the cultural evolution of the spoked wooden wheel and documentation of the manufacture of same (with photos) is a classic document, one not widely enough known. Here’s a website he’s put up setting out his ideas. Pay particular attention to his use of the work of William Powers (includes a number of useful videos of Power’s Model, perceptual control theory).
And then there’s this Note the following passage from David G. Hays, The Evolution of Technology, Chapter 5, “Politics, Cognition, and Personality”: “In reading to prepare to write this book, I have learned that the wheel was used for ritual over many years before it was put to use in war and, still later, work.”
Fascinating stuff, as always, Jason.
Have you seen Ted Cloak’s PDF about the cultural evolution of wheels? It’s a fascinating document. Before there was Dawkins, there was Cloak. His 1968 study (PDF) of the cultural evolution of the spoked wooden wheel and documentation of the manufacture of same (with photos) is a classic document, one not widely enough known. Here’s a website he’s put up setting out his ideas. Pay particular attention to his use of the work of William Powers (includes a number of useful videos of Power’s Model, perceptual control theory).
And then there’s this Note the following passage from David G. Hays, The Evolution of Technology, Chapter 5, “Politics, Cognition, and Personality”: “In reading to prepare to write this book, I have learned that the wheel was used for ritual over many years before it was put to use in war and, still later, work.”
Interesting, had not seen this, thanks Bill.
It’s rather obscure. I forget how I first bumped into, but I think it was an accident.
There’s no link for your mention of Ted Cloak’s website. Presumably this is it.
Yes, that’s it.