This reminds me of lukeprog’s post on motivation (I can’t seem to find it though...; this should suffice). Your model and TMT kind of describe the same thing: you have more willpower for things that are high value and high expectancy. And the impulsiveness factor is similar to how there are different “kinds” of evidence: eg you are more “impulsive” to play video games or not move, even though they aren’t high value+expectation logically.
This reminds me of lukeprog’s post on motivation (I can’t seem to find it though...; this should suffice). Your model and TMT kind of describe the same thing: you have more willpower for things that are high value and high expectancy. And the impulsiveness factor is similar to how there are different “kinds” of evidence: eg you are more “impulsive” to play video games or not move, even though they aren’t high value+expectation logically.
How to Beat Procrastination and My Algorithm for Beating Procrastination