Another point. A lot of people on this forum discusses potential risks of superintelligent AI. However, such public discussion may advertise the idea of AI as an instrument of global domination. The problem was recognised by Seth Baum in one of his articles ( cant’ find the link).
Would the world, there nobody publicly discusses the problem of AI alignment, be a better one? Probably not, because in that case all EY’s outreach would not happen, and not much research in AI alignment will be ever done. In that case, chances on creation of the beneficial AI are slim.
Another point. A lot of people on this forum discusses potential risks of superintelligent AI. However, such public discussion may advertise the idea of AI as an instrument of global domination. The problem was recognised by Seth Baum in one of his articles ( cant’ find the link).
Would the world, there nobody publicly discusses the problem of AI alignment, be a better one? Probably not, because in that case all EY’s outreach would not happen, and not much research in AI alignment will be ever done. In that case, chances on creation of the beneficial AI are slim.