Perhaps you could choose a more appropriate symbol for a secular holiday than Newton.
Newton has the important advantage of having been born on Christmas day, which no notable atheist has, as far as I can see.
Laplacemas just doesn’t have the same ring to it.
Humemas? Darwinmas?
Bayesmas might actually be pronouonceable. But I like Newtonmas because of the date connection.
Enlightenmas is nicely pronouncable, but it doesn’t look as good as Bayesmas.
Alternatively, getting rid of the shortened “mass” at the end of it would probably be a good plan.
But Newton was all to do with “mass”!
Perhaps you could choose a more appropriate symbol for a secular holiday than Newton.
Newton has the important advantage of having been born on Christmas day, which no notable atheist has, as far as I can see.
Laplacemas just doesn’t have the same ring to it.
Humemas? Darwinmas?
Bayesmas might actually be pronouonceable. But I like Newtonmas because of the date connection.
Enlightenmas is nicely pronouncable, but it doesn’t look as good as Bayesmas.
Alternatively, getting rid of the shortened “mass” at the end of it would probably be a good plan.
But Newton was all to do with “mass”!