How late do these usually go? I’d like to come, but I was already making plans that day. I can shorten them slightly and come mid-afternoon if this is going to go into the evening.
No usually yet. This is the first board game meetup we’ve done. :) Also, the meetup says it starts at 1 PM but I believe a strong contingent are arriving at 4 PM. I don’t actually remembering specifying a start time on the “Add new meetup” page.....
Here’s what I said on the mailing list: “Let’s play board games! At my place on Sunday Jan 8th. Official start time for coordination is 4 PM I guess, though come as early as 1 PM and I’ll be hosty and game. I’m on the east side, so car pools might be good, e.g. John Salvatier can drive some folks. I have lots of board games—if you have your own favorites, bring them too. No ending time specified but come and leave whenever you’d like, board games work fine like that. I have plenty of space and chairs unless we get to like a dozen people”
How late do these usually go? I’d like to come, but I was already making plans that day. I can shorten them slightly and come mid-afternoon if this is going to go into the evening.
No usually yet. This is the first board game meetup we’ve done. :) Also, the meetup says it starts at 1 PM but I believe a strong contingent are arriving at 4 PM. I don’t actually remembering specifying a start time on the “Add new meetup” page.....
Here’s what I said on the mailing list: “Let’s play board games! At my place on Sunday Jan 8th. Official start time for coordination is 4 PM I guess, though come as early as 1 PM and I’ll be hosty and game. I’m on the east side, so car pools might be good, e.g. John Salvatier can drive some folks. I have lots of board games—if you have your own favorites, bring them too. No ending time specified but come and leave whenever you’d like, board games work fine like that. I have plenty of space and chairs unless we get to like a dozen people”