Hey! An instance of HPMOR which is not already heavily commented! I guess this means it is time to read it for the fourth time… Unfortunately everything I want to say now is filled with spoilers. Let’s rot13:
V bayl ernyvmrq abj gung gur irel svefg jbeqf va guvf fgbel ner qrfpevovat gur fbyhgvba gb gur Svany Rknz...
Gur checbfr bs gur svany rknz jnf gb frr vs jr ernqref pbhyq svther bhg gur fbyhgvba gung Ryvrmre unq va zvaq nyy nybat, abg n jnl sbe hf gb trg Ryvrmre bhg bs gur ubyr gung ur unq qht Uneel vagb.
Nz V yngr gb gur cnegl? V fher ubcr abg. V pna nyfb fnl sbe fher gung gur bevtvany puncgre bar erznvarq gur fnzr. ernqvat guvf sbe gur guveq gvzr, abg pbhagvat yvfgravat gb gur cbqpnfg...
I’m unpleasantly surprised about lesswrong. I figured it out myself on my second reading, maybe even on my first reading at the end of the book. Although I didn’t really notice on my first reading that I had to solve riddles at all, and I was just caught up in reading to stop thinking for even a second (which I now regret very much, and I hope no one makes the same mistake), so it was just an obvious fact on the edge of consciousness in the course of reading.
Not to mention that this is the most vague description in reality. From this, only the result can be deduced, not the path. And at the end it looks a little inconsistent, so I’m not even sure that the author originally planned it this way, and did not adjust it.
I don’t know about others, but I’m EXTREMELY uncomfortable reading the cipher (does anyone know a phone solution?), so I just wrote it without mentioning specific spoiler facts.
HPMOR is full of riddles, but I don’t think this is one of them. My interpretation is that this is just a way for the author to “prove” that he had already thought enough ahead to be able to write this.
I usually use rot13.com, which works fine even on a phone browser, but a quick search shows a number of results for rot13 translator apps.
Hey! An instance of HPMOR which is not already heavily commented! I guess this means it is time to read it for the fourth time… Unfortunately everything I want to say now is filled with spoilers. Let’s rot13:
V bayl ernyvmrq abj gung gur irel svefg jbeqf va guvf fgbel ner qrfpevovat gur fbyhgvba gb gur Svany Rknz...
Gung unf gb or na rqvg… gur svany rknz fbyhgvba jnf sbhaq ol gur pbzzhavgl.
Gur checbfr bs gur svany rknz jnf gb frr vs jr ernqref pbhyq svther bhg gur fbyhgvba gung Ryvrmre unq va zvaq nyy nybat, abg n jnl sbe hf gb trg Ryvrmre bhg bs gur ubyr gung ur unq qht Uneel vagb.
Abcr. V erzrzore ernqvat (naq er-ernqvat) guvf puncgre gjb be guerr gvzrf orsber gur svany rknz puncgre jnf cbfgrq naq gung cernzoyr unf nyjnlf orra gurer.
Vs zl fnlvat fb vf abg rabhtu, purpx bhg na nepuvir bs guvf puncgre va snasvpgvba.arg (gur byqrfg V pbhyq svaq, sebz 2012): uggcf://jro.nepuvir.bet/jro/20121025133306/uggcf://jjj.snasvpgvba.arg/f/5782108/1/Uneel-Cbggre-naq-gur-Zrgubqf-bs-Engvbanyvgl
Nz V yngr gb gur cnegl? V fher ubcr abg. V pna nyfb fnl sbe fher gung gur bevtvany puncgre bar erznvarq gur fnzr. ernqvat guvf sbe gur guveq gvzr, abg pbhagvat yvfgravat gb gur cbqpnfg...
I’m unpleasantly surprised about lesswrong. I figured it out myself on my second reading, maybe even on my first reading at the end of the book. Although I didn’t really notice on my first reading that I had to solve riddles at all, and I was just caught up in reading to stop thinking for even a second (which I now regret very much, and I hope no one makes the same mistake), so it was just an obvious fact on the edge of consciousness in the course of reading. Not to mention that this is the most vague description in reality. From this, only the result can be deduced, not the path. And at the end it looks a little inconsistent, so I’m not even sure that the author originally planned it this way, and did not adjust it. I don’t know about others, but I’m EXTREMELY uncomfortable reading the cipher (does anyone know a phone solution?), so I just wrote it without mentioning specific spoiler facts.
HPMOR is full of riddles, but I don’t think this is one of them. My interpretation is that this is just a way for the author to “prove” that he had already thought enough ahead to be able to write this.
I usually use rot13.com, which works fine even on a phone browser, but a quick search shows a number of results for rot13 translator apps.