Can you help me understand why you see this as a a coordination problem to be solved? Should I infer that you don’t buy the “lowest hanging fruit is already picked” explanation?
I can’t speak for Raemon, but I point out that how low the fruit hangs is not a variable upon which we can act. We can act on the coordination question, regardless of of anything else.
Sure, though the question of “why is science slowing down” and “what should we do now” are two different questions. If the answer of “why is science slowing down” is simply because—it’s getting harder.… then there may be absolutely nothing wrong with our coordination, and no action is required.
I’m not saying we can’t do even better, but crisis-response is distinct from self-improvement.
Can you help me understand why you see this as a a coordination problem to be solved? Should I infer that you don’t buy the “lowest hanging fruit is already picked” explanation?
I can’t speak for Raemon, but I point out that how low the fruit hangs is not a variable upon which we can act. We can act on the coordination question, regardless of of anything else.
Sure, though the question of “why is science slowing down” and “what should we do now” are two different questions. If the answer of “why is science slowing down” is simply because—it’s getting harder.… then there may be absolutely nothing wrong with our coordination, and no action is required.
I’m not saying we can’t do even better, but crisis-response is distinct from self-improvement.