When it comes to putting views in public it seems to me like posts like the OP or Anna’s post about Vassar do note concerns but they leave the actual meat of the issue unsaid.
Michael Vassar for example spent a good portion of this year in Berlin and I had decisions to make about to what extend I want to try to integrate him into the local community or avoid doing that.
Without the links in the comments I wouldn’t have had a good case for making decisions should ialdabaoth appear in Berlin.
I don’t know to where ialdabaoth went into exil but there’s a good chance that he will interact with other local rationality groups who will have to make decisions and who benefit from getting information.
When it comes to putting views in public it seems to me like posts like the OP or Anna’s post about Vassar do note concerns but they leave the actual meat of the issue unsaid.
Michael Vassar for example spent a good portion of this year in Berlin and I had decisions to make about to what extend I want to try to integrate him into the local community or avoid doing that.
Without the links in the comments I wouldn’t have had a good case for making decisions should ialdabaoth appear in Berlin.
I don’t know to where ialdabaoth went into exil but there’s a good chance that he will interact with other local rationality groups who will have to make decisions and who benefit from getting information.