Since different papers and different fields have largely different average number of co-authors and of references we replace citations with individual citations, shared among co-authors. Next, we improve on citation counting applying the PageRank algorithm to citations among papers. Being time-ordered, this reduces to a weighted counting of citation descendants that we call PaperRank. Similarly, we compute an AuthorRank applying the PageRank algorithm to citations among authors. These metrics quantify the impact of an author or paper taking into account the impact of those authors that cite it. Finally, we show how self- and circular- citations can be eliminated by defining a closed market of citation-coins.
They still can’t be compared between subfields though, only within.
Tangential to your comment’s main point, but for non-insiders maybe PaperRank, AuthorRank and Citation-Coins are harder to game than the h-index:
They still can’t be compared between subfields though, only within.