That’s an interesting result. I wonder if it’s also true for chunks of people on the autism spectrum?
I wonder if this is the same anthropomorphization effect that makes me want to think about how “the algorithm needs to know this” or “the computer watches for that event” when I’m programming.
Yes, I experience something similar when writing or understanding proofs. I think about how the proof is “using” something. This seems common among mathematicians. Mathematicians also seem to be fond about talking about where objects “live” which is similar notation.
I think about how the proof is “using” something. This seems common among mathematicians.
That’s where abstract mathematical concepts come from: you use only certain properties of an object in a proof, and thus the proof applies to all objects that have those properties, no matter what other properties they have, and the properties that were used define an abstraction of their own. This way, apples become numbers.
That’s an interesting result. I wonder if it’s also true for chunks of people on the autism spectrum?
I wonder if this is the same anthropomorphization effect that makes me want to think about how “the algorithm needs to know this” or “the computer watches for that event” when I’m programming.
Yes, I experience something similar when writing or understanding proofs. I think about how the proof is “using” something. This seems common among mathematicians. Mathematicians also seem to be fond about talking about where objects “live” which is similar notation.
That’s where abstract mathematical concepts come from: you use only certain properties of an object in a proof, and thus the proof applies to all objects that have those properties, no matter what other properties they have, and the properties that were used define an abstraction of their own. This way, apples become numbers.
Nice. Same applies for extracting interfaces in programming (e.g. IComperable).
Presumably IComperable is the interface implemented by objects representing staged events such as concerts, galas, and quizzes.