Wouldn’t that presuppose that “cooperation is the source/the sine qua non of all good”?
The point is it doesn’t matter what you consider “good”; fighting people wont produce it (even if you value fighting people, because they will beat you and you’ll be unable to fight.)
I’m not saying your goals should be ethical; I’m saying you should be ethical in order to achieve your goals.
Ethically “good” = enabling cooperation, if you are not cooperating you must be “fighting”?
Those are evidently only rough approximations of social dynamics even just in a human context. Would it be good to cooperate with an invading army, or to cooperate with the resistance? The one with an opposing goal, so as a patriot, the opposing army it is, eh?
Is it good to cooperate with someone bullying you, or torturing you? What about game theory, if you’re not “cooperating” (for your value of cooperating), you must be “fighting”? What do you mean by fighting, physical altercations? Is a loan negotiation more like cooperation or more like fighting, and is it thus ethically good or bad, for your notion of “ethics = ways for agents with different goals to co-operate”?
It seems like a nice soundbite, but doesn’t make even cursory sense on further examination. I’m all for models that are as simple as possible, but no simpler. But cooperation as the definition of ethics? For you, maybe. Collaborateur!
Fighting in this context refers to anything analogous to defecting in a Prisoner’s Dilemma. You hurt the other side but encourage them to defect in order to punish you. You should strive for the Pareto Optimimum.
Maybe this would be clearer if we talked in terms of Pebblesorters?
The point is it doesn’t matter what you consider “good”; fighting people wont produce it (even if you value fighting people, because they will beat you and you’ll be unable to fight.)
I’m not saying your goals should be ethical; I’m saying you should be ethical in order to achieve your goals.
That seems very simplistic.
Ethically “good” = enabling cooperation, if you are not cooperating you must be “fighting”?
Those are evidently only rough approximations of social dynamics even just in a human context. Would it be good to cooperate with an invading army, or to cooperate with the resistance? The one with an opposing goal, so as a patriot, the opposing army it is, eh?
Is it good to cooperate with someone bullying you, or torturing you? What about game theory, if you’re not “cooperating” (for your value of cooperating), you must be “fighting”? What do you mean by fighting, physical altercations? Is a loan negotiation more like cooperation or more like fighting, and is it thus ethically good or bad, for your notion of “ethics = ways for agents with different goals to co-operate”?
It seems like a nice soundbite, but doesn’t make even cursory sense on further examination. I’m all for models that are as simple as possible, but no simpler. But cooperation as the definition of ethics? For you, maybe. Collaborateur!
Fighting in this context refers to anything analogous to defecting in a Prisoner’s Dilemma. You hurt the other side but encourage them to defect in order to punish you. You should strive for the Pareto Optimimum.
Maybe this would be clearer if we talked in terms of Pebblesorters?