Oh, I didn’t realize it was such a huge difference! Almost half of the sequences omitted. Wow. I guess I can write a quick program to diff and thus answer my original question.
Was there any discussion about how and why R:A-Z made the selections it did?
Do you have any recommendations for particularly good sequences or posts that R:A-Z omitted, from the ~430 that I’ve apparently missed?
In case you missed it, here’s the list of all the posts in the original full sequences (about 700 posts) compared to the ~370 in R:A-Z.
If you haven’t, read Inadequate Equilibria.
Otherwise, for Eliezer’s posts, you might want to look at his profile.
Was this meant to include a link to the full list?
Oh yeah, edited.
Oh, I didn’t realize it was such a huge difference! Almost half of the sequences omitted. Wow. I guess I can write a quick program to diff and thus answer my original question.
Was there any discussion about how and why R:A-Z made the selections it did?
Do you have any recommendations for particularly good sequences or posts that R:A-Z omitted, from the ~430 that I’ve apparently missed?