That’s the opposite of what Boomerang is offering, though. It’s if there no reply that it’ll bump it back to your inbox. So if you ask for something and they don’t get back to you, you get notified so you can bump them again.
For example, I might say to somebody “Can you send me that spreadsheet we were talking about?” and say to boomerang to send this back to my inbox if they don’t get back to me by Monday. Then I can bump them and say “Hey, just checking in on this spreadsheet.”
Well, no, I think it’s the same as Boomerang. If someone replies to an email thread that’s been Boomerang-ed, I presume it also brings it back to the inbox, no? Snooze, just like Boomerang, also brings back an email thread in the inbox at a set datetime if it has received no replies by that time.
unless I’m missing something, that’s how Gmail’s snooze feature works
if someone replies to a snoozed email, it automatically unsnoozes it and brings it back to your inbox
Interesting. Didn’t know it had that feature.
That’s the opposite of what Boomerang is offering, though. It’s if there no reply that it’ll bump it back to your inbox. So if you ask for something and they don’t get back to you, you get notified so you can bump them again.
For example, I might say to somebody “Can you send me that spreadsheet we were talking about?” and say to boomerang to send this back to my inbox if they don’t get back to me by Monday. Then I can bump them and say “Hey, just checking in on this spreadsheet.”
Well, no, I think it’s the same as Boomerang. If someone replies to an email thread that’s been Boomerang-ed, I presume it also brings it back to the inbox, no? Snooze, just like Boomerang, also brings back an email thread in the inbox at a set datetime if it has received no replies by that time.