I agree it doesn’t change the main point at all—I pointed it out more as a public service, because this is the first time a lot of people are looking at geopolitics, rather than as a criticism of the post.
I also reiterate the popularity of the belief—I strongly expect a majority of the non-specialists in the President’s office, or the Prime Minister’s office, along with the overwhelming majority of both Senate and Parliament, share it. So it is completely fair to treat it that story as the social reality underlying any decisions about treaties for those two countries, at least.
Of course, that simply begs the question of what sort of measures are effective, after the end of a conflict.
This is a woefully neglected question, in my mind; but I do think we are going to learn a lot based on how the sanctions situation shakes out. At least I hope. Very hard.
I’m definitely grateful for the update—it really makes me want to do a deep dive into how conflicts end, at the very least to better contextualize current events.
It also makes me wonder just how much history I “know” is the result of successful propaganda. Or how much culture is the result of successful marketing.
I agree it doesn’t change the main point at all—I pointed it out more as a public service, because this is the first time a lot of people are looking at geopolitics, rather than as a criticism of the post.
I also reiterate the popularity of the belief—I strongly expect a majority of the non-specialists in the President’s office, or the Prime Minister’s office, along with the overwhelming majority of both Senate and Parliament, share it. So it is completely fair to treat it that story as the social reality underlying any decisions about treaties for those two countries, at least.
This is a woefully neglected question, in my mind; but I do think we are going to learn a lot based on how the sanctions situation shakes out. At least I hope. Very hard.
I’m definitely grateful for the update—it really makes me want to do a deep dive into how conflicts end, at the very least to better contextualize current events.
It also makes me wonder just how much history I “know” is the result of successful propaganda. Or how much culture is the result of successful marketing.